Read our cartoon series The Watering Hole - created in partnership with the Widjabul custodians, this series teaches children and adults alike about looking after our waterways and local ecosystems.
Visit the Water Walk at the end of Killen Falls Drive to learn more about our place in the water cycle and experience dramatic rainforest restoration firsthand. Explore down the Boodgeragah Walk to the rainforest remnant at Killen Falls to discover what the catchment area used to be like. Find more details here.
Visit Rocky Creek Dam, take a walk through the catchment area and see what a really healthy drinking water catchment looks and feels like. Opportunities for learning include the Water Walk; exploring the Rous County Council Rainforest Reserve on a series of short walks; and discovering the larger catchment area on the Catchment Loop Drive and several longer bushwalks. Discover our walks, drives, and picnic spots.
Big Scrub Rainforest Day is held each year at Rocky Creek Dam. A fun day out in beautiful surrounds, it’s also a great opportunity for learning about rainforest ecosystems and their relationship to catchment health. Kids and parents can enjoy the Forest Playground all year round.