Council policies

Council has adopted a number of policies that provide the Council and staff with guidelines over a range of issues.

Rous County Council
Asset capitalisation
Asset management
Backflow prevention
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct Procedures
Code of Meeting Practice
Customer feedback, complaints and unreasonable conduct
Cyber security
Debt management and financial hardship
Drinking Water Quality
Equal employment opportunity
Financial Reserves
Fraud and Corruption Control
Headworks charges
Human Resources - Employment Conditions
Land Management
Media and Social Media
Payment of expenses and provision of facilities for chairperson and councillors
Pensioner concession policy
Pensioner concession guidelines
Privacy policy
Privacy Management Plan
Data Breach Plan
For more information about privacy please visit the Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales website at
Public interest disclosures
Suspected Serious Wrongdoing Report form for public officials seeking to report suspected serious wrongdoing.
For more information about public interest disclosures please visit the NSW Ombudsman's website at
Related party disclosure
Retail water customer account assistance policy
Retail water customer account assistance guidelines
Revenue and Fees and Charges 2024-2025
Risk Management
Rural consumers
Testing water meters
Work Health and Safety
Workplace surveillance