Account payment options


Water accounts are issued quarterly, in February, May, August and November. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your account.

Financial difficulties? Rous understands that there may be times when it is difficult to pay your water account. Please call our Water Billing Team on 02 6623 3800 for assistance (8.30am - 4.30pm weekdays).

Available payment options

Your payment reference number can be found in the ‘How to Pay’ section on the front page of your water account.

Direct debit: Complete the Direct Debit Request form. Alternatively, contact Council on 02 6623 3800 and a form will be sent to you.

BPAY®: Biller code is 181800. Contact your bank or financial institution to register and pay your account by internet banking. Visit for further information.

Post BillPay: Biller code is 0244. Using Visa, Mastercard or Visa Debit Card. Online at, or by phone on 13 18 16. Have your water account handy.

Australia Post app: Scan and pay your bills with your iPhone, iPad or Android device. Download free from the App Store or Google Play.

Mail: Detach the bottom section of your water account and mail, with your cheque or money order (payable to Rous County Council), to Rous County Council, PO Box 230, Lismore  NSW  2480.

In person: At Rous’s office at 20 Conway Street, Lismore, or in-store at Australia Post. Rous accepts payment by cheque, EFTPOS, Visa* or Mastercard* (*credit card surcharge applies). NOTE: Rous customer service desk is closed on Fridays.