Rous County Council has partnered with Smart Water Advice, run by The Water Conservancy, to provide you with helpful ways to save water in every area of your home.
Click the following images to find out how.
Saving water at a glance
Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. This is a simple way to save precious water from disappearing down the drain.
Keep your showers short. Set a timer to four minutes or less.
Full load your washing machine and dishwasher before turning on and running a cycle.
Use the half flush function on your toilet.
Consider installing a rainwater tank to service the toilets and washing machine. You may be eligible for a rebate, check out our residential rainwater tank rebate program.
Upgrade tap fixtures and your showerhead to WELS star-rated water saving devices. The more stars, the greater the water savings.
Smart Water Advice is a national, not for profit, water efficiency program run by
The Water Conservancy for water utilities and councils.