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Are you a commercial operator – including ecotourism, seed collection, fitness training or filming/photography - using Rous County Council land to conduct your business?
If so, this information is for you.
Rous County Council aims to protect the public drinking water supply and therefore carefully regulates, manages and enables appropriate private recreation, community events and commercial activities on operational land.
Commercial operators with the intention of using Rous County Council operational land to conduct their activities are required to make an application to Rous County Council for a Temporary Permit – For use of Rous County Council operational land (commercial user).
The commercial activities permit gives the commercial operator the legal right to carry out their proposed activity on Rous County Council land and is a formal agreement where Rous County Council has the opportunity to advise the operator of the responsibilities and obligations as it relates to the commercial activity.
Application process
Any person / company wishing to seek a permit to conduct commercial activities on Rous County Council operational land, must submit a written application on the approved form at least three (3) weeks prior to the required commencement date.
For your application to be successfully lodged you must submit either of the following:
Additionally, you must also submit the following:
It may take up to three (3) weeks for your application to be processed. Rous County Council reserves the right to negotiate any conditions of use and / or fees or refuse an application where it considers the content of the proposed activity to be harmful to Rous County Council’s reputation.
You will be notified if you have been successful or unsuccessful in being granted a Commercial Activities Permit. Your permit fee is then payable. Once all fees have been received, Rous County Council will issue your Commercial Activities Permit, which authorises your activities and includes all conditions relating to your activity.
Lodging your application
You can lodge your application:
In person at the Rous County Council Administration Centre, (Level 4), 218-232 Molesworth Street, Lismore.
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm; or
Mail to Rous County Council, PO Box 230, Lismore NSW 2480; or
Email to council@rous.nsw.gov.au
Fees and Charges
The fees and charges payable in relation to commercial activities on operational land are set out in Rous County Council’s Fees and Charges schedule and includes:
Download a copy of Rous County Council's Fees and Charges schedule here.
More information
Rous County Council staff are available to assist you with all of the above requirements, either in person or over the phone.
If you would like assistance, require more information, or have any questions concerning your application, please call the Customer Service Group on (02) 6623 3800 or email council@rous.nsw.gov.au.